Wednesday, January 28, 2015

National Bluberry Pancake Day

Today is National Blueberry Pancake Day and of course we're celebrating! Stay tuned to see what we're cooking up and on check us out at our new blog to see what's on the menu!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day

Well... Today has been a bit of a doozie. 
I've been couch ridden with a pretty awful migraine, 
and unfortunately for me we have a teething toddler and a teething infant, 
so not really a quiet day for mama, but that's alright now. 
All of the Calendar Kids are in bed and The Duke is being super awesome 
and tackling the mountains of folding that I was unable to get to like I wanted today. 

Not only is he doing that, but he also was instrumental in making this post happen.
He reminded me that we're a team and that anything we take on
work, children, and even blogs. 
So, I dedicate this post to him, 
my wonderful, loving, amazing husband, and teammate. 

Today was 
National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day 
and I was half tempted to tell him to skip the drama of making them 
from scratch and hit up the Valentine's Day candy that's already making it's way into stores...
Actually, I may or may not have said that 
before he left to go to the pharmacy. 

He gave me the look, 
then proceeded to create this,
and take the pictures. 

How pretty are these cherries?!

Mmmmm melted chocolate!

The Duke did a great job! They were delicious!!! 

Tomorrow is 
National Spaghetti Day 
and I'm hoping I can convince The Duke to make his 
signature from scratch sauce while I watch 
and maybe, just maybe let me share the recipe. 
Fingers crossed friends... Married a decade and I don't have it yet. LOL

Friday, January 2, 2015

Guardians of the Galaxy

Alright friends! 

Today was 
National Science Fiction Day 
both the kids and the husband were excited 
about this day... 
Especially since we have an over abundance of sci-fi movies
and love to watch them. 
So much so that we had a hard time deciding on which one to watch 
this evening to celebrate. 

Our choices varied from 
Star Trek to the Avengers, 
on to Superman, 
but in the end 
Guardians of the Galaxy won out 
because we'd only watched once 
and we really enjoy the humor 
and music featured in it. 

The Athlete with his Lego Milano and
The Artist with her Disney Infinity Gamora
 watching the movie. 
After the movie we discussed our favorite parts 
and then talked about tomorrow's national day. 
Which is: 
National Chocolate Covered Cherries Day...

I can't say that I'm a huge fan of cherries, but we'll give making them a try. 
I bought the ingredients today... Wish me luck! 
Goodnight friends! 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year! It's 2015

Okay, so I had a pretty spectacular post all written out 
and I come back to my laptop to find it all gone, 
so this is 
New Years Day post
part deux... 

Something you'll learn about me...
I'm obsessed with learning new languages
and I actually use them. 

Something else to know about me, 
I'm obsessed with Spanish and French... 
I have no idea why... I just am...
Oh and all things Irish. 
Particularly my husband,
just don't tell him that I actually like him.
He might get a big head or something...

Okay enough of this rambling. 
Our NYE was low-key 
and we did our traditional thing of 
ordering pizza, wings, and drinking chocolate milk, 
whilst playing board games and charades. 
We stopped doing that around 11:35 
to get ready for our other traditions
of grape eating, sparkling cider drinking, and watching the ball drop in 
Times Square. 

Ladies and gentlemen, grape eating is classy stuff. Mmmhmm, sure is! Making those wishes!

Today we laid around and watched HGTV all day, along with a little bit of the winter classic GO CAPS! (Phenomenal game btw) And also enjoyed the Ducks beating the tar out of the Seminoles 
(Go Gators! Haha) 

Day 1 of this experiment and it's already successful. Stay tuned to see what tomorrow holds!

Tomorrow is National Science Fiction Day

Thursday, November 20, 2014


I took one because 
I needed to unpack. 
I don't know if I mentioned it or not, 
but we moved 11 hours
before our youngest child was born 
and since that was only a mere three month ago 
we were still living out of boxes. 

I'm happy to report that while 
not every box is gone, 
majority of them are 
I feel like my house is in order. 

I can't wait to begin sharing 
national days again with you.

Today was
National Peanut Butter Fudge Day
National Absurdity Day 
Great American Smoke Out! 

I didn't celebrate any of these, 
because today was crazy.
Now that I've written this, 
I'm going to go try to relax and unwind 
from the busyness of it all 
and prepare for tomorrow's holiday,
which is
National Stuffing Day 
(I'm excited to try a new recipe before the big day!)
Stay tuned! 

Thursday, October 30, 2014


National Candy Corn Day 
was a major bust... 

Not just because I didn't have any on hand, 
but because I loathe it
and I'm going to be completely honest here...
I refuse to buy it. 

No one should eat it. 
I'm not going to,

So, tomorrow is
Halloween (DUH)
National Caramel Apple Day (YUM)
National Knock-Knock Joke Day

I'm making caramel apples 
and sharing some corny jokes, 
be prepared for my ultimate nerdyness
to shine through
and please feel free to share 
your best knock knock jokes with me! 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

National Oatmeal Day

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal... OH YEAH! 

I'm going to share something about me here, 
I'm a habitual breakfast skipper.
I'm too busy.
I'm brushing hair, changing diapers, 
making breakfast for other folks
signing forms, 
feeding babies, 
and making sure the pups are taken care of...
with all that and more 
breakfast for me is the last thing on my mind. 

I know, I know it's terrible to skip breakfast
and I do try to get it in, but alas... Chaos trumps food.

So, imagine how happy I was to actually get to take a few moments 
to enjoy a nice hot, filling, and delicious breakfast! 

What made me happier was my daughter joining in 
the celebration by having a bowl of oatmeal with me, 
It was a sweet moment with my precious daughter 
that while fleeting, very memorable.

I'm looking forward to more of those throughout this 365 day excursion. 
More sweet moments, more simple memories, more quiet and calm, more conversations.
A lot more. 

so tomorrow is
National Candy Corn Day
Guess who's not at all excited about this. 
Not. at. all.